Life Goes On



Three weeks ago, I received a call from a dear friend.  We talked about many things that were going on with our lives.  She is like an older sister to me; we’ve been friends since the early 90’s.  She is a woman of great faith and an awesome testimony.  I was telling her that in the last months, I had been having dreams that foretold that my family was going to have a loss.  That means death.  She asked me, how did I know that.  I had been having dreams that I have been losing teeth and that I saw an old flat tire that wouldn’t move no more.  I also remembered seeing my grandmother laying on the floor all battered and hurt.  All those dreams had been bothering me for a while.

Well, two days later after talking to my friend; my uncle Robert died from a heart attack.  He was my mom’s older brother.  It was a very sad loss for my family.  He was a funny man, loved and cherished by all who knew him.  That occurred last week while I was in a Bilingual Convention in Galveston.

We were still recovering from this death when I just received the sad news hours ago that my grandmother passed last night.  Last week she had fallen and broke her arm and hit her head.  Since last weekend she was at the hospital and after Wednesday she closed her eyes and never opened them again.

I know God had been preparing me for these losses; but it still hurts.  I pray for my family and for those who are also going through losses in their lives.  May God give us peace, strength and comfort during these days.  May us never loose faith that He will sustain and hold us no matter what comes to our lives.  He is Faithful. Always.